This is a brief review which explains some of the destructive and dangerous effects resulting from plunging into the quagmire of democracy by which many people have been deceived due to putting on their hopes on it even though it is clearly against the methodology of Allah, just as what we are going to explain in this brief study, especially that there have been a lot of bitter experiences encountered by those people who have been deceived by this game and where its diversion and debauchery aspects were shown.
1. This system makes us forgetful towards the confrontation in behavior between the jahiliyah and Islam, between the haq dan batil, because the existence of either one of them allows the extinction of the other, it is not ever possible for the two to mix together. Anyone who thinks that through the general election, the jahilliyah fractions will submit all the institutions to Islam is mistaken as this is clearly in contrast to the rationality, nash and sunan (decision of Allah) which had taken place to the earlier ummahs.
"On account of their arrogance in the land and their plotting of Evil, but the plotting of Evil will hem in only the authors thereof. Now are they but looking for the way the ancients were dealt with? But no change wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing): no turning off wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing)" (Surat Faathir: 43)
2. The system of democracy will cause the decay in the values of true aqeedah which was believed and practiced by Rasulullah SAW and the noble Sahabahs. It will cause the spread of bid'ah, of not studying and teaching the true aqeedah to mankind because its teachings cause divisions amongst the party members. In fact, it could make someone to be excluded from the party that it can reduce the total number of votes and voters.
3. The system of democracy does not differentiate between the ‘alim and the jahil, between the mu’meen and the kafir, and between the male and the female, because they all have the same right to speak, without looking at the advantages from the shar'i point of view, whereas Allah Ta'ala says:
"...Say: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? ..." (Surat Az-Zumar: 9)
And Allah Ta'ala says:
"Is then the man who believes no better than the man who is rebellious and wicked? Not equal are they" (Surat As-Sajdah: 18)
And Allah Ta'ala says: "Shall We then treat the People of Faith like the People of Sin? What is the matter with you? How judge ye?" (Surat Al-Qalam: 35-36)
4. This system causes divisions amongst the da’wah activists and Islamic jamaah, because a section of them plunge and move within this system (whether they want it or not) that would make them support and defend as well as endeavor to make a good name and in turn they would be against anyone who is opposed by this system, while at the same time they support as well as defend anyone who is supported and defended by this system. Therefore, in the end fatwas would be twisted without any certainty between those who allow and forbid, between those who praise and criticize.
5. Under the shade of democratic system the issue of wala' and bara' becomes unclear and vague and because of this there are people who embrace and are involved in this system trying to justify by stating that their discords with the socialist party, baathist party and other secular parties are only limited to discords in the subject of program only, not a discord in the subject of manhaj and that it is not much different from the discords that happen between the four madzhabs. And they conducted the bond of agreement and confederation so as not to takfeer each other and not to betray amongst themselves, due to that they say that let there be discords but don’t let it spoil the love and affection between us!!
6. This system aims at the establishment of an illusive confederation with the secular parties, as what is happening today.
7. It’s very dominant that for the people who move in the quagmire of democracy, their intention is flawed, as every party strives and aims to defend its party as well as (abusing) making the most of all available facilities and tools to assemble and influence the masses in its surroundings, especially the tools and mediums which have the religious tones such as talks, giving of advices, ta'lim, shadaqah and others.
8. Plunging into the quandary of democracy will also result in the impairment of the noble akhlaq values such as honesty, transparency, the fulfillment of promises and the prevention of lies, pretension and the breaking of promises.
9. Therefore, democracy would also generate a haughty character while belittling others, as well as being proud of each of their own view because what turns into the concern is the defending of it (the view). And Allah Ta'ala says:
"But people have cut off their affair (of unity), between them, into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself" (Surat Al-Mukminun: 53)
10. If we pay a close attention and thorough analyzation, acknowledging and pledging to democracy means “stabbing” (blaspheming) the Prophets and their discourse (missions of Prophethood), because if al-haq (the truth) is to be deduced from the voice of the people’s majority there is no point for the Messengers to be sent and the books to be revealed, especially that it’s normal for the teachings brought by the Messengers to dispute the majority of the mankind who profess to the misguided aqeedah, deviate and have the jahilliyah traditions.
Submitted by a Mujahid